My Expertise

Two decades of experience as a professional trainer, coach, and facilitator. I have consulted for both, startups and medium-sized companies as well as large corporations like SAP or Siemens. Extensive experience in the tech industry, in which I have been employed for the past 10 years (Spotify and Jimdo).

My Journey

Consultant for Lean and Agile Methods at it-agile. Coached and trained clients like Siemens, SAP, ebay and Deutsche Telekom.

Internal coach at Jimdo . Helped the organization scale by building effective teams, org structures and roles and responsibilities.

Member of the advisory board for t3n magazine. Advisor for the executive team and personal sparring partner for the CTO.

Staff Agile Coach at Spotify in Stockholm, London and New York. Focus on inter-team collaboration and effective leadership teams.

✺ Some of my Publications ✺


Stop Starting, Start Finishing! Booklet available on Amazon

How cross-functional should my team be? Article in agile review

Culture is the True North - Scaling at Jimdo. Article on infoQ

Goal #1: from Activity to Action. Article in: Cutter IT Journal (Paywall).


„Effektive Führungskräfte richten sich nach den Bedürfnissen ihrer Mitarbeiter.“ Interview mit Stephen Bungay in der agile review

Wie cross-funktional soll mein Team sein? Artikel in der agile review

Formal Qualifications

6 Team Conditions Advanced Practitioner - Level 2

Foundations in Neuroleadership

Training from the Back of the Room

Kanban Coaching Professional - KCP

Certified ScrumMaster